Monday, May 4, 2015

Balance is the Key

It feels like it's been ages since I've posted...probably because it has been. I've battled with personal stuff but I also needed to take a break from the work I do. Working with police brutality victims as well as women who have been victimized because they made a responsible, legitimate and non-criminal choice, along with other victims, does begin to wear me down. The last time this happened I ended up in the hospital due to exhaustion. This time I'm trying to keep everything "balanced" or at least a bit more than before.

I've had a dog all of my life until an 'incident' late last year. The hole in my heart I felt needed to be filled so I've adopted another rescue dog and I love her. She definitely has lifted my spirits and helps me maintain a more positive balance when working with such a sad reality. She is a constant good in my life and I am so thankful I found her. I still need to teach her how to walk on a leash/harness, however, so if anyone has any tips for teaching a traumatized dog how to walk without terrifying them...please do drop me a line.

All in all, I plan on writing here of course but also I will be moving all of my blogs over to blogger within the next few days. As for this blog it is going to remain open with any and all subjects open to discuss.