Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Be Yourself and Be Proud... Random-

For many years I've tried to be a "day person"- someone who manages to get work or hobbies completed by the end of the day, using the night hours for sleep. I've failed at this time and time again. From sunrise to sunset I find myself lethargic, more depressed than usual and all sorts of negative emotions.

As soon as the sun begins to fall, I begin to feel my spirits lift; my soul starts to come alive and I can function. While
the majority of the world sleeps I am wide awake, the most optimistic I'll ever be, and ready to conquer anything set in front of me.

I love walks at night; the moon seems to speak to my soul, leaving me even more rejuvenated when I come back indoors. It feels as though I gain strength from the moon and the dark sky which surrounds it, sprinkled with countless glimmering stars.

And then the night too quickly comes to an end; I feel people waking up and getting ready for their daily routine, and I grow weak, again. Thus I try to sleep, but don't last too long usually.

Not sure why I felt the need to post this but there we are. A random fact about me, the night owl, forever alive while the masses sleep. Society likes to try and tell us what is right and wrong, normal or 'weird' behavior... To that I say, ignore them. To each their own, as long as you aren't harming another who other than yourself has the right to say what is right and wrong, normal or strange? No one.

Be an individual; be unique. Be yourself, and be proud that you are one of the few who are brave enough to do just that...