What is the Purpose of This Blog

Things always change, as has this blog...

I have a few blogs that cover many topics from Pro-Choice and Abortion rights to police brutality and poverty as well as prison related issues. I care for the people too many want to forget about. But, for some reason, when I started this blog I planned to simply focus on me and my life- the journey I take as I go about reaching my dreams as an author and photographer. In my mind I should keep my personal views off this page, I told myself, besides, they are on my other sites anyway.

A lesson was learned. Try as I might, what I believe in is a part of who I am; thus it is also a part of my journey. It is a part of my writing as my beliefs and emotions are impacted daily by on going issues.

Because of the 'no personal view oath' I had taken I began to avoid this website for all I could come up with was issues related to personal beliefs. Today, however, I have decided I am who I am, no matter where I write. The struggle of the people is set deep within me, and it is a topic I will talk about. While I will maintain separate blogs to solely focus on these issues, I no longer will limit myself and this blog to solely writings about writing, myself or clouds.

So, what is the purpose of this blog? 

I would say that hasn't changed; I want to share my experience as I work towards my first book publishing and art sales. I will do writing prompts, I will do random entries, but no more am I limited to just those things. I also will discuss my writing and upcoming projects, I will continue to network, but now I will discuss a lot more topics that are important to me; I've expanded and learned that the part of me which fights for civil and human rights is a part of me that cannot be removed or ignored. Because of this, I've actually become rather proud.

There is no shame in who I am and there is no reason for me to hide my personal views. If someone is so narrow minded or self absorbed that they do not want to buy my art or read my writings because we disagree, that's for the best. I want my writings to reach good souls, to offer help to those who need it, to expose human weakness but also strength...
If anyone is so shallow as to hate me (and I know people do) because of a difference in opinion, they aren't welcome here anyhow. This is a place for peace, love, brutal truths, heartache but also laughter and more; in short, it is safe here. The angry and negative will never be a welcomed force.