Monday, May 4, 2015

Tamir Rice's Mother Needs URGENT Help! Please Read & Share!

Twelve year old Tamir Rice was shot and killed on video all too recently, he posed no threat to the police, he did nothing wrong. If you watch the tragic video you see the cops pull up at an insane
speed before one jumps out, and within 2.5 seconds shoots and kills the young male. He didn't have time to even warn the child. Now his suffering mother, Samaria Rice, has been forced into a homeless shelter.

Before I go on... Imagine if this had been your child; imagine how it would be to grieve in a homeless shelter after going through such horror. You'd hope others would help in any way they could, and that is all I am asking... Please help Samaria Rice, a grief stricken mother, in any way you can. She truly needs our help and we can do this; we need to unite. So I ask you, please, let's all reach out to her just as you would hope people would reach out to you if you were -gods forbid- in her situation.

Currently, Tamir's mother has been placed in a homeless shelter. I think she has suffered more than enough. She has lost her child; she should be able to grieve in her own place to say the least and she doesn't need nor deserve to lose or struggle anymore.

Let's all do what we can, even if it is just sharing this information with others who may can help. A
dollar from each person would make a difference. Either way, whether you can't afford it or if you can, I beg you to at least please spread this on your social networks so those who are able may have the information to help her.

A writer and social worker of 15 years reached out to the attorney currently representing the Rice family and he confirmed they are indeed accepting donations. I will include the address below. Not only donations, but if you just want to send a card or letter to let Samaria know she isn't alone, send encouragement and love and that we won't let her or her son be forgotten, please do. All positive and uplifting letters/card are welcomed.

Tamir's mother, Samaria Rice, did have an official fund raising site but tragically she lost all of the raised money when she changed legal representation. There are a couple of ways you can help; sending via check or money order (address below)- this is the ideal way to donate as she will get all of the donated money. However, if you prefer doing it online, you can donate or find her on GoFundMe (link below) and finally, spreading this on all your social networks so that others can help or share with their friends...that is crucial.

To those who are wanting to send well wishes and encouraging cards or checks / money orders please make it out to: ESTATE OF TAMIR RICE.
The address to send any of the above to is:
The Estate of Tamir Rice
c/o Parks & Crump, LLC
240 N. Magnolia Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32301
If you prefer donating online, Samaria also has a verified account on GoFundMe which can be found here.

A writer for feministajones has released an open letter (which you can read here) sharing all of this information. Tamir Rice's death was a tragedy and his family is hurting; especially his mother. Let's all do our part, whatever we can, to make sure this mother is back in a house of her own, and not losing anything more, for she has lost far more than enough. Thank you! PLEASE SHARE!!!!

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